Saturday, 7 November 2015

to me..

why do we run and go our own way
why don't we see he is our hope and stay?

we stumble down our paths thinking we see..  we are blind
what are we looking for..  there is nothing on earth to find

Jesus Messiah! He is here! There is hope!
you don't need to be falling, He is throwing a rope

"Let the children come unto me"
but it is the adults, it is me, who needs to taste and see

He died on the cross, He crushed the snake
this is more than a story, our lives are at stake

He is our solid rock, Mighty Fortress, Strong Tower
Thine be the kingdom and the glory and the power

on eagles wings, on clefts of rock,
in valley shadows and mountain tops

quiets us with still waters, trumpet marches and a torn veil
can we not put ourselves last? can we not live in the stable?

callous our knees Lord, bring us to you
You call the stars by name, you stitched us in the womb

I don't want to fear becoming more like you
I don't want to fear becoming more like you

I don't want to fear becoming more like you

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