Friday, 15 April 2016


What is easy? What do we know of hard?
We each have our own stories of hard and easy and never should we measure one to the other. I have times where I pray for easy. Lord, just three months of easy, because I have had two years of hard. But, my hard is easy to someone else.
Why do we want easy?
Where does it lead us?
Easy is the road most travelled.
Easy does not lead to strength.
Easy does not lead to persevering love.
But, sometimes easy means quiet, peace. Breathing.
Sometimes, I just need to breathe.
Breathe on me, oh breath of God.
Create in me a clean heart.
And that is not easy.
A clean heart takes work.
Takes pain.
Because sometimes our heart is already hard and we need a shattering to be soft.
Where is your easy?
Where is your hard?

Has God brought you from hard to easy or easy to hard?


This post is part of a word prompt group I have joined. Five Minute Fridays. One word to write about, five minutes to write it. 


  1. I like your reflections here. It is so tempting to ask for things to be easy, but often the hard times are where we can see the growth as we look back. I suppose it comes down to trusting God- knowing that he's with us and that he has a plan, both in the hard and the easy. Visiting from FMF.

  2. Great thoughts here. We have moved from "easy" to hard in our life. But when you think again of it. Some things are much easier now. easy and hard must run hand in hand
