Monday, 3 October 2016


Six and a half years ago we stepped into the housing market. We were renters of a basement suite as newlyweds often do, but our family was growing and we were running out of space. We purchased a town house. We knew it wouldn’t contain us for long but we needed bigger and our family was happy to help us get our foot in the home equity door. We moved in in the middle of summer and in the middle of not knowing I was pregnant with our second. It was exhausting times. But in the end, Carlon finally had his own room. And he was thrilled and so were we. After 20 months of sharing our bedroom with our son, we had our space back. And he had his. Only his was bland - the whole house was. The walls were a bland painters beige. You know, almost like they just painted primer. We talked about painting and adding our own touches. I got paint samples and searched pinterest and hgtv. But in the end, the only room that got painted was Carlons. A pale green. He was thrilled. I added fun curtains and all was well. 

Now we are in our house. An actual house and it needs paint. Inside and out. But will we ever get to it. I have the same sense here as we did in the town house that we are not here permanently. Not because of out growing it. But because of God’s calling. Is this our metaphor for life? Do we put off the work that needs to be done in anticipation of something better, or different. Or refusing to change?


  1. To paint or not to paint that is a good my mom has struggled with....she went years saying the house needed paint and now 20 years later, she is finally moving house!! I think I would paint cause that's a long time to wait....and improvements are always good in the house!!!

  2. yes. And I regret not painting the townhouse. I think for me this boils down to recognizing the things we need to do but, not doing them because we don't love ourselves.
