Sunday, 11 December 2016

in joy

Generations of darkness.
No hope. No peace.
No Joy.
Then an angel surprises a young girl and another admonishes her betrothed.
And a barren one is given fruit, and her husband it struck silent with disbelief.
Do we dare to hope?
Can we really have peace?
Might we burst with joy?
He comes to us from heaven, leaving Glory to pull us from the mire.
See Him swaddled and squirming in a feed trough. 
Blinking squinty, dark eyes, trying to see this broken world through our eyes.
There is Hope!
The one born new has come to make all things new.
Look at His fingers peeking out over the cloths; all wrinkled, they stretch and grab at the wrappings.
His mouth twists to open, His teeth-less gums appear and His face squishes up as He cries. 
Crying for warmth, for comfort, for milk, for mom.
This world is too big for a little babe to fix.
And yet, those wrinkly fingers mix spit with mud to heal a blind man. 
That mouth tells of the love and forgiveness of God.
The cloth wrapped around Him contains His power - enough to heal the bleeding woman.
Oh, yes! Praise Him! There will be Peace!
What an a mazing sight to behold.
Far across the lands, Wisemen seek Him. They see a new star; a heavenly body. How can they ignore it?
How can we ignore Him?
Over the hills, shepherds are startled as one, then many angels; multitudes, sing and shout for Joy at the birth of the King.
There is Joy to be found. Enough for all to hold in their hearts. 
The joy of the Lord, available to everyone who comes to adore Him, to thank Him, to receive Him. 
To all who give Him room.
Look, Look at this child! 
He is God!
He is with us!
He is light!
He is Hope!
He is Peace!

He is JOY!

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